Stephen defends in matters of fraud and serious general crime. He is a member of the AG’s list of Counsel and a Grade 4 prosecutor regularly instructed by the Rape and Serious Sexual Offences unit of the West Yorkshire CPS.
Stephen has experience in the following:
- Fraud – including International Ponzi Fraud.
- Serious Sexual Offences
- Large scale conspiracies including theft, drugs and burglary
- Serious Violence
- Confiscation and Money Laundering
- Parole Board
Stephen has also undertaken work including:
- Health and Safety Executive prosecution and defence
- Cases involving the Environment Agency
- Statements of Case before the High Court
- Judicial Review of Prison Law decisions
Sources acknowledge him to be “an effective and sensible practitioner with an excellent grasp of the intricacies surrounding any case he deals with.” Chambers & Partners 2012
Notable cases
- R v L – Successful defence of a 15 year old defendant in an alleged arson valued at almost £1 million.
- R v C – Successful defence of a woman alleged to have conspired to burgle numerous properties throughout the UK involving old and vulnerable victims.