Man walking past railings

Craig Harris achieves No Significant Fault finding in cricket anti-doping case

Craig Harris has been thanked by the Professional Cricketers Association for his work in securing a National Anti-Doping Panel finding that Leicestershire seam bowler Chris Wright bears No Significant Fault for an Adverse Analytical Finding that resulted in charge under the Anti-Doping Rules.  Mr. Wright admitted the charge, but will return to professional play in the coming weeks after the Panel’s finding, which followed the presentation of extensive scientific analysis that showed trace amounts of a Prohibited Substance had entered his system unintentionally, through his taking a common fruit vitamin supplement that was contaminated with the synthetic substance Ostarine, which is not even authorised for human consumption in the UK, unknowingly to him.  The PCA and World Players Association continue to lobby on the dangers of the application of the Rules to professional athletes in cases such as this and you can see their statements here.

You can see more about Craig’s sports law practice here.
