Keith Hadrill

Keith Hadrill

Call: 1977


Keith’s practice encompasses serious and complex fraud, substantial drug importation and supply offences and violent crime, Judicial Review and appellate hearings, licensing (of all types including alcohol, gaming and firearms), Health & Safety, Trading standards, Road traffic, Prison law and Courts Martial.

The majority of the work Keith undertakes he is instructed in as a leading junior. Originally, Keith’s practice was general common law which included family law, but which developed over the years to become principally crime based. Keith undertakes cases on the south-eastern and western circuit, but is also instructed in other parts of the country.

A very experienced criminal practitioner whose practice principally concerns serious and large scale Organised crime. He is also approved as a CPS Grade 4 prosecutor.

Serious crime

Criminal work undertaken includes substantial fraud, drugs offences, serious violence, sexual offences and general serious and complex crime. He is frequently instructed in substantial and lengthy fraud cases (Inland Revenue, VAT and MTIC), on behalf of the defence on the south-eastern and other circuits. He is also often involved in major cases alleging conspiracy, including those involving issues of entrapment and agent provocateur.

Keith is instructed in cases concerning telephone surveillance, mobile telephone location and tracking relating to police covert operation. Abuse of process hearings relating to both participating informers and entrapment. Childcare cruelty and paedophilia conspiracies. Instructed increasingly in murder cases, increasingly involving psychiatric and medical evidence.  Examples of cases include:

R-v-Mirza (Sheffield Crown Court) instructed for defendant in 8-week trial multi-defendant trial indicted with assisting offenders in a revenge gang murder – Acquitted after 8 weeks on legal submissions.

R-v-Ansar (Derby Crown Court) – instructed to represent a vulnerable and suggestible youth defendant in a multi -defendant series of drugs conspiracies, wherein he was involved in extensive county line offending. Matters eventually resolved with medical evidence and legal arguments as to the role of the defendant to his benefit.

R-v-H (Maidstone Crown Court) instructed for defendant who was indicted with assisting an offender to escape the country ant the time he was sought for a revenge murder.

R-v-Jacob (Snaresbrook CC) – instructed for defendant who was indicted with county lines drugs offending in a multi-defendant conspiracy. A vulnerable youth defendant who had travelled southern England allegedly delivering drugs and collecting cash. Only defendant to be acquitted in a series of trials.

R-v-El-Shahar (Southwark Crown Court) – instructed as leading junior for defendant in a series of multi-handed drugs trials relating to the supply of various types of Class A drugs and production of substantial quantities of MDMA, and also possession of significant sums of counterfeit currency, together with money laundering offending which resulted from an extensive police covert investigative operation.

Money laundering

Money laundering plays an important part in the disposal of unlawfully and fraudulently gained financial assets. As a result bureaux de change and foreign exchange bureaux/financial facilities are often the subject of criminal investigation and prosecution. Keith has been involved in defending persons who are often caught up in these alleged frauds. The following cases relate to such offending:

R-v-Allan (Southwark Crown Court) leading junior for the defendant in a 11-week multi-defendant boiler room fraud trial wherein the defendant was unwittingly involved in the setting up of overseas bank accounts and companies for fraudsters & the international money laundering of the proceed of fraud therefrom. Client a professional tax adviser in off-shore companies and banking facilities. Acquitted.

R-v-Wilcox (Winchester CC) – represented the 1st defendant in a multi-defendant lengthy money laundering & drugs supply trial. The client was a vulnerable individual. The prosecution relied upon financial handwritten accounts, upon which the co-defendants tried to take advantage of, & this involved a ‘cut-throat’ defence with other co-defendants

R-v-Wali (Swindon CC) – a Home Office Immigration fraud involving the fraudulent issuance of sponsorship certificates for provision of employment to migrants, and thereby the obtaining of funds from employers and migrant employees. Complex regulatory proceedings involving the right to remain and work in the U. K., and visa for entry into UK.

R-v-Nawaz (Central Criminal Court) leading junior for the Prosecution in a complex telephone call centre fraud providing utility services to commercial clients, and defrauding utility suppliers of significant sums by false representations.

R-v-Banger (Blackfriars Crown Court) leading junior for the defendant in this multiheaded 4 weeks’ trial, involving the international supply/trade of a significant quantity of expensive stolen mobile telephones (both from wholesale suppliers & individuals of crime), and the laundering of the proceeds of crime.

R-v-Perestrero (Kingston Crown Court) leading junior for the defendant in a 6-week multi-defendant trial involving international drugs supply and money laundering of the proceeds.

R-v-Uddin (Maidstone Crown Court) for defendant in trial involving the laundering of monies wrongly transferred to bank accounts by the victim being ‘duped’ following false telephone and email contact from the victims alleged bank reporting suspicious activity on personal bank accounts.

R-v-Ogunleye (Portsmouth Crown Court) – obtaining the transfer of the financial proceeds from commercial organisations on false invoices raised for services.

R-v-Ongun (& another) – instructed for defendant in money laundering fraud regarding significant unaccounted monies passing through bank accounts connected with him. Acquitted.

R v A and others (Southwark Crown Court) – leading junior for a defendant in a £multi-million drugs and money laundering case. Monies gained from the illegal importation of drugs into the UK were said to be later laundered thorough bureau exchange and banks to dissipate the proceeds of the drugs conspiracy.

R v Dhalliwel and others (Southwark Crown Court) – instructed for the defence of a participant in a money laundering operation involving a bureaux de change concealing the proceeds of crime by the conversion of £sterling into Euros.

Asset forfeiture & confiscation

A significant proportion of Keith’ practice relates to the restraint, confiscation and forfeiture of the proceeds of crime. Examples of these are:

R-v-A (Isleworth CC) – instructed for defendant in complex housing fraud and confiscation proceedings, also incorporating High Court bankruptcy proceedings and alleged money laundering from other business interests.

R-v-Buckland – (Truro Crown Court) Instructed for 1st defendant as leading junior in a multi-defendant Environmental fraud, involving complex planning and land use consents issues relating to the use of land for waste transfer stations, and also commercial/residential caravan lettings. also, the restrictions of use thereon and the licencing of the commercial activity taking place thereon. Following trial there evolved complex issues as to asset forfeiture and confiscation reliant upon an assessment of environmental damage, quantification of damage, and financial gains made.

R-v-Campbell (Birmingham CC) – Drugs importation with consequent confiscation proceedings

R-v-Gurr – (Woolwich Crown Court) instructed for defendant in complex confiscation and asset forfeiture proceedings relating to £3 ½ million benefit and alleged £ ¾ million realisable assets, involving European based property assets.

R-v-Daniel (ILCC) – leading junior for defence in complex confiscation and forfeiture of assets resulting from significant conspiracy to defraud and use of false identity documents involving multi- identities for a sophisticated crime-enterprise spanning several countries. The prosecution described the offence as a “sustained and sophisticated attack on the UK benefits systems”. Evidence included covert surveillance, substantial quantities of financial and mortgage papers and international identity documents. Money obtained was used for the purchase of numerous properties using false particulars and sham companies were used to further the conspiracies. This resulted in a complex tracing of hidden assets and overseas properties.

R-v-Nguyen – (Isleworth Crown Court) leading junior in asset confiscation of money alleged to be hidden in assets in UK from drug trafficking, and then alleged to be transferred out of UK to Canada and Vietnam; allegedly amounting to £2 ½ million.

R-v-Ajaib – (Birmingham Crown Court) instructed for company director defendant involved in confiscation, restraint and asset forfeiture and the tracing of proceeds from commercial mortgage fraud and money laundering offending.

Regulatory proceedings

Although Keith’s practice focuses predominantly on criminal litigation and fraud he also undertakes regulatory work including trading standards, road traffic offences and disciplinary hearings, international money laundering offences (including evidence taken out of the jurisdiction). Banking fraud (helped by having worked in the past for a merchant bank), company and accountancy fraud.

Professional defendants: Instructed for accountants with regards to pension provisions, nursing home staff and managers relating to over-sedated/abused patients/residents by staff requiring knowledge of drugs, medical and otherwise, and the relevant regulations. Noxious substance prosecutions as they relate to stupefaction of residents in nursing homes requiring pharmacological and medical experts. Defended St John Ambulance in its first prosecution of that type under the Health and Safety Regulations for causing death. Defence of consultant surveyor involved in an animal offences prosecution (building development work).

R-v-Shareef (Southwark Crown Court) representing defendant in an HMRC prosecution regarding his organising, and directing, a £1.6 million VAT fraud against HMRC through his own international company. Indicted with making false statements to prejudice the Public Revenue with intent to defraud. This was a highly complex VAT fraud relying upon accounting procedures and the defendants own superior accounting computer skills and alleged non-compliance with accounting regulations.

R-v-Allen (Southwark Crown Court) instructed as leading junior for the defendant in a 11-week multi-defendant boiler room fraud trial involving international money laundering of the proceeds of fraud. Various overseas company and banking regularity rules and procedures were of importance in presenting the defence. Client a professional tax adviser in off-shore companies and banking facilities who was acquitted.

R-v-Buckland (Truro Crown Court) – Instructed as leading junior in this Environmental fraud, involving complex planning, land use and environmental issues.

R-v-Nawaz – (Central Criminal Court) –Instructed a leading junior for the prosecution of a director of an energy supplier company who acted fraudulent in obtaining energy supplier/customer contracts.

R-v-Henderson (Central Criminal Court) – Instructed as leading junior for the first defendant, who was the Chief Executive Officer of a multi-charity (“ShelterBox”) accused of dishonestly favouring his sons (a business partner) companies with procurement contracts, Acquitted after a 10-week trial.

R-v-Shareef (Southwark Crown Court) representing the defendant in HMRC prosecution regarding his organising, and directing, a £1.6 million VAT fraud against HMRC. Indicted with making false statements to prejudice the Public Revenue with intent to defraud. This was a highly complex VAT fraud relying upon computer skills.

R-v-Novićević (Harrow Crown Court) representing defendant as leading junior in bank fraud

R-v-N (Harrow Crown Court) leading junior for defendant who was a Business Accounts Bank Manager and involved in a £multi-million fraud upon the Inland Revenue which was facilitated/operated by the opening of hundreds of fraudulent bank accounts for non-nationals which in turn facilitated the extensive fraud upon the Inland Revenue by creating banking outlets, and ability for the laundering of money unlawfully obtained from income tax rebates.

R-v-C & others (Wood Green Crown Court) leading junior for defendant company director in 2- month trial upon fraud and regulatory charges relating to fraudulent internet business trading amounting to £2 ½ million of trade, and thereafter related asset forfeiture proceedings

R-v-Kos (Southwark & Kingston Crown Courts) instructed for defendant company director charged with fraudulent international internet trading relating to fraudulently obtained monies for sale of bogus high value motor-vehicles sourced from various parts of Europe.

R-v-R & others (Croydon Crown Court) instructed for defendant who created and ran a sham investments business for friends and defrauded them.

R-v-Atwall & others (Winchester Crown Court) instructed for company director defendant charged with significant fraud upon a sub- contracting international company client whereby false invoices raised for contracted work not undertaken. The defendant operated a transport/courier company, which involved a complex exercise in tracing of monies and works undertaken.

Corporate Manslaughter

Keith has experience in defending corporate manslaughter cases. An example is:

Health & Safety Executive -v- St. John’s of Jerusalem London Ambulance Division – A fatal accident case where a volunteer tideway division novice trainee died during an inflatable boat familiarisation training ‘man-overboard’ exercise on the Thames River. The exercise transpired not to be covered by the defendants training manual. The fatality occurred during a collision at speed between two training boats during a man-overboard exercise. Facts of case involved complex issues of corporate governance.

Health and Safety

Represented St John’s Ambulance in Health & Safety prosecution following death of a trainee in water borne St. John’s training exercises.

Represented land owner in regard to environmental water and waste pollution of land and water-courses causing damage to land & affecting watercourses and local habitant’s health

Defended landlord caravan owner renting to tenants and prosecuted for permitting excess waste with inadequate waste storage facilities therefore affecting quality of life & health.

Sexual offences

Keith is regularly instructed in rape, historic sexual abuse and indecent images. He has extensive experience of dealing with vulnerable witnesses and special measures. A recent example is:

R-v-Maco (Canterbury CC) – instructed for defendant in offending alleging sexual assaults and forced compulsory labour upon the same female complainant who alleged she was brought to southern England for employment  prospects and when in the country she was forced to work and her salary taken from her, and she was also sexually assaulted. Defendant was acquitted.

R-v-Ferenc (Canterbury CC) – instructed as leading junior for defendant in a multi-defendant trial alleging rape and exploitation of underage females from East Europe to U.K. for prostitution and sexual exploitation. The defendant was acquitted.

R-v-G (Birmingham Crown Court) – instructed for defendant father charged with numerous historic rapes and indecent assaults upon his young daughter, who was also a vulnerable person. Defendant acquitted of all allegations at conclusion of trial.

Direct public access

Keith is able to accept instructions directly from members of the public.

Civil proceedings

False imprisonment and malicious prosecution proceedings, release on prison licence and parole hearings on judicial review to the Administrative Court. Other work includes regulatory offences including nursing homes, trading standards, general road traffic offences and disciplinary tribunals.


Keith has an extensive and wide reaching defence fraud practice and experience in defending in substantial fraud trials.

R-v-Allen (Southwark Crown Court) – instructed as leading junior for the defendant in a 11-week multi-defendant boiler room conspiracy fraud trial involving 11 defendants who was an established international tax adviser for setting up off-shore bank accounts and companies throughout the world.  The principal defendant became a client of his company and he became involved in creating/setting up a number of overseas bank accounts and companies for that client over a 3-year period. Those companies and bank accounts in turn were used to permit transfers of money together with a false director identity to further part of the fraud. Defendant denied dishonesty and was acquitted of all matters.

R-v-Shareef – instructed for defendant who was indicted with cheating HMRC of £1.6million (VAT). Defence involved extensive accounting issues and also contested computer expert evidence as to transfer of financial information on iCloud and overseas accounting by remote user access of digital evidence and the unauthorised manipulation of remote accounting digital input information.

R-v-Nawaz (CCC) – instructed by the prosecution as leading junior for this complex, and factual involved, commercial fraud of National Energy suppliers and commercial customers. The defendant the director of a company, which acted as an agent negotiating new energy contracts for commercial suppliers and customers, so defrauding both parties.

R-v-Banger (Blackfriars Crown Court) – Instructed as leading junior for the defendant in a mobile telephone and money laundering fraud.

Henderson (Central Criminal Court) instructed as leading junior for first defendant, who was the former CEO and founder of an International Disaster Charity accused of defrauding the Charity by favouring the business companies of his son with procurement contracts, Acquitted,

Q-v-W, and others (Southwark Crown Court) – Instructed as the leading junior in the largest international MTIC (Mobile telephone) fraud ever prosecuted by HMRC (losses alleged to be in excess of £250 million). His female client was alleged to be centrally involved in all levels of the fraud (importer, missing trader, buffer, and freight-forwarder). Following a 4-month trial the prosecution case against her was significantly reduced in scale and role. Following conviction as a freight forwarder the financial confiscation proceedings were largely reduced to reflect that role and agreement eventually reached as to limited assets.

R-v-S, and others (Southwark Crown Court) – Instructed for the defendant who is the mother (Mrs S) of the principal defendant. Principal defendant was indicted with extensive fraud, money laundering and theft allegations. Mrs S was alleged to have assisted him by concealing financial proceeds from bankruptcy proceedings, and also concealing the financial proceeds of crime. Defendant (Mrs S) was acquitted.

R-v-W, and others (Reading Crown Court). £ Multi-million fraud on the land registry. Instructed as leading junior for the defence in this 6-week trial. Case involved sophisticated fraud on a Government Dept, and the laundering of the financial proceeds of crime in Europe and also allegedly in European Trust funds.

R-v-M (Guildford crown Court) – Instructed for post-mistress defendant in large Post Office fraud. Preparation of the defence required the instruction of high level computer experts for interpretation of financial computer programmes at the Central Post Office and Post Office computing accounting procedures. This complex defence case was unique in a Post Office prosecution.

R-v-A, and others (Birmingham Crown Court) – Presently instructed for a defendant in a lengthy trial which alleges substantial commercial mortgage fraud and money laundering.

Reported cases

R-v-Horncastle, Carter (2009) EWCA Crim – leading authority of admissibility of hearsay evidence.

R v. Alsop, Kelly and others. [2005] EWCA Crim 703.- leading authority on the Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act (RIPA) and telecommunications intercepts. Instructed as leading junior.

R v. Mintern [2004] EWCA Crim 7, and 148 S.J. 146, (and Archbold 1-140) – leading case authority on ‘rolled up’ conspiracies and duplicity.

Director of Public Prosecutions v. ex parte Texeira [2002] RTR – leading authority on authorisation of breathalyser machine operation.

R v. Williams and O’Hare, 98 Cr. App. R. 209, (honey-pot entrapment).

R v. Doolan (1998) Crim L Rev 747 (section 78 PACE – Archbold 15-366)

R v. Leather 98 Cr App R 179 – (abduction of young persons from parental control).

R v. Litanzios [1999] Crim L R 667 – (particularity of indictment in public revenue and VAT fraud prosecution).

R v Haigh (2010) (authority on limiting prosecution applications on bad character for a defendant and relevance of allegedly reprehensible behaviour)

Notable cases

R-v-Smith (Exeter Crown Court) – manslaughter trial by an alcoholic upon another vulnerable victim.

R-v-Thomas (Basildon Crown Court) – attempted murder and gun related retribution offending involving youth gangs.

R-v-Makungu (Central Criminal Court) – distraction fraud of security guards delivering cash to commercial/Post Office premises.

R-v-Taylor (Exeter Crown Court) – aggravated burglaries and robbery trial of Post Offices of cash ATM’s

R-v-Williams (Croydon Crown Court) – multiple drugs conspiracies, for which the trial evidence relied principally upon mobile telephone usage

R-v Amani – (Kingston Crown Court) – multi defendant trial involved in the robbery of high value jewellers and jewellery displays in top star hotels in Central London, by use of motorcycles as get away vehicles.

R-v-M-D (Kingston Crown Court) – defendant mother who was indicted with others, for serious violent offending against her young daughter. The trial involved use of intermediaries for cross-examination of the child victim. The defendant mother was also vulnerable person, and extra care was required in presentation of her case and evidence. Acquitted.

R-v-Karen Page (Winchester Crown Court) – defendant originally found unfit to be tried and she was committed to a secure mental hospital with indeterminate detention under s37 & S41 of Mental Health Act., however, sometime later made good mental health recovery, and the Home Secretary determined on review she needed to be tried for her previous crimes for which she had originally been found unfit. This was for reasons of public interest. She was indicted with S18 GBH assault and false imprisonment upon her visiting doctor GP. At full trial the is acquitted of S18 GBH offending and receives a determinative custodial sentence for lesser offending. A very unusual and procedurally unique case.

R-v-Perestrero (Kingston Crown Court) – instructed as leading junior for the defendant. A complex drugs and money laundering conspiracies of International dimension.

R-v-Skupeika (& another) – (Maidstone Crown Court) instructed for defendant charged with conspiracy to steal and handle high value motor-vehicles. After trial acquitted of all matters.

R-v-George (& others) (Woolwich Crown Court) – instructed for defendant charged with conspiracy to rob. Police investigation involved covert surveillance extensive information gathering. Acquitted.

R-v-Baker (& others) – (Harrow Crown Court) instructed for defendant charged with very serious S18 GBH (victim nearly dies). Acquitted upon extensive and successful dismissal application.

R-v-Wright (& others) – (Kingston Crown Court) – instructed for defendant charged with conspiracy to supply substantial quantities of cocaine by use of the international trade movement of ship the s from South American coast into UK ports.

R-v-Ali (& another) – Exeter Crown Court – instructed for defendant who was charged with attempted murder, and who had planned the murder, and nearly successfully carried it out by the use of extreme violence thereby causing everlasting serious injury to victim. The offending involved extensive covert planning, and was intended to result in the killing of a close family relative following alleged historic indecent assaults by that person on a female member of the family.

R v. F – Winchester Crown Court. – instructed as junior in 3 month Conspiracy to rob trial, which related to robbery of businessman and firearms offences by falsely imprisoning victim’s family members, abducting the husband / business key-holder and forcing him to unlock business premises and de-activate the alarm system. Also conspiracy to rob regarding armed lorry hi-jacking of valuable cargo. Many forensics experts involved.

R v. T  (Guildford crown Court). Accountancy fraud.

R v. T – (Reading Crown Court).  Instructed as junior Bank manager fraud regarding £2 million loss.

R v. Ewington. Defendant indicted for racist petrol bomb attacks on a petrol station belonging to and operated by an ethnic minority family in May 2004, and followed 14 months later by a racist petrol bomb attack on a mosque and religious centre in Surrey in August 2005 in revenge for the London bomb attacks on 7th July 2005.

R v. Carter. International car-ringing and repair fraud, and insurance fraud regarding luxury sports cars. Instructed as leading junior for one of defendants in a series of complex luxury car-ringing and insurance frauds/conspiracies. Damaged luxury sports cars were often imported from Europe and the Far East and their identities put into other stolen luxury cars.

R v. K – Newcastle Crown Court. Drugs conspiracy and Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act (RIPA) and covert telephone recordings.

R v. Pond. Leading junior in section 18 group violence. Victim on life support machine.

R v. Kelly – Kingston Crown Court. Represented defendant as leading junior. Defendant was one of a gang who for three-and-a-half years hi-jacked and robbed high value lorry loads by use of firearms.

R v. Johnson and others, (three-month drugs conspiracy). Instructed as leading junior for defendant in this complex and involved drugs conspiracy. Defendant acquitted.

R v. Dutton. Conspiracy to import and supply cannabis valued at £15 million from Mexico. The drugs were imported into this country concealed within furniture in cargo containers on board ship. The police investigation lasted nine months, and involved a lengthy covert police surveillance operation, culminating with the arrest of ten defendants, following the unloading and storage of drugs and furniture in West London. Defendants acquitted.

R v. Bhayro. Defendant was a nursing home owner/manager/proprietor accused of unlawfully administering noxious substances/medication to her clients/residents to over sedate them and stop them disturbing other residents and the running of the home.

R v. E and L (and others). Instructed as leading junior for two defendants in a 15 defendant violent disorder and grievous bodily harm trial.

R v. Hallam and others. Leading junior for defendant in conspiracy to supply class ‘A’ drugs. Substantial covert police surveillance operation.

R v. Armstrong. Instructed for the principal of eight defendants listed for eight-week trial for kidnapping, false imprisonment and perverting the course of justice. He was the alleged gang leader of a Sri Lankan gang terrorising and injuring opposing gang members in their South London area.

R-v- B (Reading Crown Court) instructed as defence leading junior in murder case, related to business related killing when business partners fell out.

R-v-Turner (Reading Crown Court) – instructed as leading junior in substantial fraud, defending in house company accountant who defrauded private company owners of cash, pension and business amounting to over £1 million. -accountancy fraud

Q-v-O’M & S (Winchester Crown Court) instructed for defence of soldiers indicted with s18 GBH on victim in this country following their return from active tour duty in Iraq.

Q-v-Stott & 2 others (Chichester Crown Court) – instructed as leading junior in the prosecution of 3 defendants indicted with arson with intent to endanger life. The victim was a vulnerable man with learning difficulties.

Recent cases

Q-v-Horncastle & Carter (& others) [2009] 2 Cr.App.R. 19 – instructed in appeal against conviction for the appellant Carter. Appeal based upon admissibility of hearsay evidence introduced at his trial. Case selected as 1 of 3 cases to be argued to decide legal principals of admissibility of hearsay evidence in documentary form. Appeal successfully argued.

R-v-W (and others) Southwark Crown Court – instructed as leading junior for defence in 3 month MTIC international conspiracy fraud regarding cheating the public revenue (VAT) of £250 million.

R-v-A (and others) Southwark Crown Court – instructed as leading junior for the defence in possibly the largest (value and quantities) commercial conspiracy to import and supply cannabis. Prosecution covert investigation lasting 18 months.

R-v-W (and others) Reading crown Court – instructed as leading junior for defence in 6 week conspiracy to defraud involving cheating the land registry over the fraudulent of £7.5 million sale of land and property in Ascot, Surrey.

R-v-H (Central criminal Court) instructed as junior in 10 week murder trial for defendant indicted with causing the death of 3 year son by his mother. Defence case relying on extensive medical expert evidence, and with a mother of limited needs.

R-v-N (and others) Central Criminal Court – instructed as junior for defence in 7-week murder trial for defendant involved in gang attack on another gang.

R-v-S (and others) Kingston Crown Court instructed as leading junior defending principal defendant in international human trafficking offences

R-v- C [and others] (Winchester Crown Court) instructed as leading junior for defence in 4 week trial for youth indicted with his mother of arson with intent to endanger life. At night setting fire to home of his estranged fathers girlfriends home. Defendant suffering from ADHD and immature for age, and other age limiting conditions

R-v-Walker [and others] (Winchester Crown Court) instructed as leading junior for defence in substantial conspiracy to supply Class a drugs and false imprisonment.

R-v-M (and others) – Catterick general Court Martial centre – instructed as leading junior in 8 week trial of senior NCO in high profile, weapons and explosives smuggling from Iraq to Germany.

R-v-Harper (and others) instructed as junior for defendant indicted with perverting course of justice by helping her boyfriend concealed the body of a man he murdered, and which was buried in woods to conceal the killing and dispose of the body.

R-v-A & others (Southwark Crown Court) – instructed as leading junior for defence in £120 million drugs case relating to conspiracy to import and supply cannabis.

R-v-Markham (Kingston Crown court) instructed for defence in £multi-million drugs conspiracy

R-v-Dixey (Guildford crown) instructed as leading junior for defence for offences alleging series of historic rape and indecent assaults upon 2 separate family members.

R v. B [and four others] (Winchester Crown Court) – 2 month trial -instructed as junior in a Contract killing case.


South-Eastern Circuit
Criminal Bar Association
Surrey & South London Bar Mess Committee Member
