Man walking past railings

Giles Cockings KC’s 3rd Consecutive Acquittal for Murder

Belying the hard work that makes a long innings look effortless, the successful outcome of Giles Cockings KC‘s most recent 3 cases include:

  • Acquittal of murder after 10 week trial at Old Bailey – leading Gregory Fishwick of 5 KBW represented SA accused of triple shooting in North London. The 5 Co defendants were found guilty. Instructed by Helen Ahmet of SVS solicitors. BBC story here.
  • Acquittal of murder at Wood Green CC following a 3-week single defendant trial – leading Darryl Cherrett, instructed by Sarj Patel of Darryl Ingram & Co.
  • Acquittal of Murder following a 7 week trial at Luton CC. News story here. Instructed by Pelin Mehmet of SVS solicitors

